五月 17, 2011

wow bots wow hunting bot v0.6 2011

Set Options like following screenshots.
It's almost same as 'Hunting Bot v0.5.
* Set '1024x768' Resolution
* Enable 'Windowed Mode' in Video Options
* Disable 'Maximized' in Video Options
* Disable 'Click-to-Move'
* Enable 'Rotate-Minimap'
* Locate WOW Client Left-Top.

And version 0.6 is for the only 70 Lvl Hunter class.

This bot is chasing monsters which're detected in the minimap.
In other words, you must activate Tracking skills.
For example, when hunting spiders or wolfes you must activate 'Track Beasts'.
If your character cannot set right direction occasionally, modify minimap-scale by using zoom-in and out.

Running sequence is like belows.

1. Scout ( using minimap )
2. Run forward ( press 'w', when stuck press s & e )
3. Fight
1. Pulling ( press 5 )
2. Melee ( if unable to press 5, press 4 )
4. Loot ( shift + right mouse click )
5. Go to 1.
* 2 : /assist
* 3 : /petfollow
* 4 : macro for melee attacks
ex. /castsequence Raptor Strike, Wing Clip, ...
* 5 : macro for range attacks
ex. /castsequence Concussive Shot, Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, ...
* 6 : foods
* 7 : Feign Death for emergency
* 8 : Mend Pet
* 9 : Feed Pet
* 0 : Hearth Stone
* - : Revive Pet
This is the screenshot of Hunting bot v0.6.

* DPS Threshold : when your DPS(damage per second) is less than the threshold, your character steps back till he can range-attack.
* Buf Interval : if you set Buf Interval is 20, your character re-bufs for every 20 minutes.
* Exit Kill Count : when you kills enough monsters, your character use the Hearth stone.
* Loot twice : loot twice for skinning or herbalism.

