五月 28, 2011

PVPTool 4.1.0 WoW bot 2011

*Premium* Features:

* PvE/Fishing & Player vs player combat combined, lvl/farm while expecting BG join
* Collecting Herbal products
* Collecting Ores
* Collecting Motes

* Records also under normal water with water support like in Vashj’ir
* FlyingMount support
* iphone 3gs App Prowl assist, sends whispers and situations instant to your iphone 3gs
* Mail support, communicates whispers and events quick to your email
* Spirithealer rezz recognized
* Intelligent chatting! Your bot replies wise on whisper and also other messages
* FishingPools detection * Search and sea food fishpools
* more in future…

Far more forum power:

* 190 PM storage
* Capable to post in advice board
* Upload cd pictures
* Upload and make use of of animated prototypes

五月 26, 2011

wow patch 4.2 notes

Many crowd control abilities no longer cause creatures to attack players when they are cast. The creature will not attack the player when the crowd control wears off, and nearby creatures will not become hostile to the player either. However, if a visible player gets too close to the target creature, the creature will remember and attack the player when the crowd control effect wears off. The intent is to make it easier for dungeon groups to manage crowd control assignments and pulling packs of hostile NPCs. The abilities affected by this change are: Hibernate, Entangling Roots, Wyvern Sting (will still cause hostility when it begins to deal damage), Freezing Trap, Polymorph, Repentance, Shackle Undead, Blind, Hex, Bind Elemental, Banish, Seduction.


* Druids now gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, down from 2. They continue to gain 2 attack power per point of Agility while in Cat Form or Bear Form.
* Entangling Roots and the equivalent spell triggered by Nature's Grasp no longer deal damage.
* Innervate now grants an ally target 5% of his or her maximum mana over 10 seconds, but still grants 20% of the druid's maximum mana over 10 seconds when self-cast.
* Talent Specializations
o Balance
+ Insect Swarm now generates 8 Lunar Energy for druids with Eclipse.
+ Moonfire now generates 8 Solar Power for druids with Eclipse.
+ Sunfire now generates 8 Lunar Energy for druids with Eclipse.
* Glyphs
o Glyph of Innervate now causes the druid to gain 10% of his or her maximum mana over 10 seconds when Innervate is used on a friendly target, in addition to Innervate's base effect.


* Ring of Frost now has a 1.5-second cast time.


* Talent Specializations
o Holy
+ Beacon of Light can no longer be dispelled.
+ Speed of Light now increases movement speed when Holy Radiance or Divine Protection are cast.


* Priest Bug Fixes
o Players will no longer prematurely cancel a channeled spell when clicking on the Lightwell.


* Blind duration against enemy NPCs is now 1 minute, while the duration against players remains 8 seconds.
* Stealth now once again begins its cooldown once the rogue leaves Stealth.


* Warlock Bug Fixes
o It is no longer possible to leave combat while channeling Drain Soul.


* Overpower now has a 1.5-second cooldown and global cooldown (Taste for Blood's Overpower cooldown has not changed).
* Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall no longer have stance requirements.

Dungeons & Raids

* Dungeon Journal is in the process of being implemented. While some UI elements may exist in the current Public Test Realm build, the feature is not yet complete.


* The Reins of the Dark Phoenix, purchased from the Guild Vendor, has had its art improved. It's now less transparent and indisputably more awesome.

PvP Battlegrounds

* Eye of the Storm has been added into the rotation as a 10-man Rated Battleground. The tug-of-war style capture points have been replaced with Arathi Basin style capture points to better support 10v10 competition. This change applies only to Rated Battlegrounds. Eye of the Storm is otherwise still a 15-player Battleground with tug-of-war style capture points.

War Games

* Many improvements are being made to the War Games interface, though the changes are not yet fully functional.

User Interface

* Characters can now be reorganized at the Character Selection screen. This feature not yet fully functional and the reorganization of characters doesn't save at this time.
* The cast bar can now be moved to display below the Character frame.
* Move Pad is a mouse-click interface for movement which is now built into the base interface.

五月 17, 2011

wow bots wow hunting bot v0.6 2011

Set Options like following screenshots.
It's almost same as 'Hunting Bot v0.5.
* Set '1024x768' Resolution
* Enable 'Windowed Mode' in Video Options
* Disable 'Maximized' in Video Options
* Disable 'Click-to-Move'
* Enable 'Rotate-Minimap'
* Locate WOW Client Left-Top.

And version 0.6 is for the only 70 Lvl Hunter class.

This bot is chasing monsters which're detected in the minimap.
In other words, you must activate Tracking skills.
For example, when hunting spiders or wolfes you must activate 'Track Beasts'.
If your character cannot set right direction occasionally, modify minimap-scale by using zoom-in and out.

Running sequence is like belows.

1. Scout ( using minimap )
2. Run forward ( press 'w', when stuck press s & e )
3. Fight
1. Pulling ( press 5 )
2. Melee ( if unable to press 5, press 4 )
4. Loot ( shift + right mouse click )
5. Go to 1.
* 2 : /assist
* 3 : /petfollow
* 4 : macro for melee attacks
ex. /castsequence Raptor Strike, Wing Clip, ...
* 5 : macro for range attacks
ex. /castsequence Concussive Shot, Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, ...
* 6 : foods
* 7 : Feign Death for emergency
* 8 : Mend Pet
* 9 : Feed Pet
* 0 : Hearth Stone
* - : Revive Pet
This is the screenshot of Hunting bot v0.6.

* DPS Threshold : when your DPS(damage per second) is less than the threshold, your character steps back till he can range-attack.
* Buf Interval : if you set Buf Interval is 20, your character re-bufs for every 20 minutes.
* Exit Kill Count : when you kills enough monsters, your character use the Hearth stone.
* Loot twice : loot twice for skinning or herbalism.

World of warcraft bot raid free

World of warcraft bot raid free: Incited the currently erupting bot madness in the German World of Warcraft community has Edur me the final WoW-night presented a project to where he has been employed by a long time. To date you realize only bots, you gain levels the characters for, or in BGs farming honor Tradeskills push. E-major has succeeded, in order to extend a robot that he may be used in raids actively.
was with this particular make sure I have seen with my very own eyes how this type of bot is active with a group, a 5-gecleared instance. It’s built in E-major two ways to use the bot within a tactical raid:

1. It adapts towards the other group members. Within the menu to set a correspondingly which players guided the bot, and that he does after everything that helps make the player too – both from the Movement, as well as of harm (target tracking, Damage Stop, etc.).

2. You will find pre-built modules for that actual raid tactics strategies. Edur it really works still (especially in terms of fine tuning), but he has, according to his statement the bot already so far that it may supply within the first raid bosses. Edur reports the bot has mitgeraidet at Magmaw (Mage), solid 19k Damage went and died, or has gone through all of the page changes and the Damage Adds.

In other words, the Horst-Bot (the first kind name of cheaters-inspired action) will revolutionize the whole industry. Raid groups do not decay anymore because my unreliable Raid members are able to easily replace it using the bot. According to statements made by the E-major bot may even be in the long run be able to defeat Encounter completely alone, and it is more reliable and precise than any human. In principle, you have to then only come to the looting.

For wowszene.de this is a great way to relax a little bit to us financially and with the revenues which will bring us the bot to produce many more events and projects. This allows the entire loss by the numerous adblocker field relatively well.

For the utilization of a monthly subscription fee is payable wow bots. Similar to other bots, the client will connect with our server, to make sure that no one, the program passes against our will or distributes. You will see a variety of subscription schemes: from the monthly fee with an annual contribution, up to a lifetime subscription.

五月 16, 2011

Wow engineering repair bots 2011

Wow engineering repair bots 2011: Zarhym has just released some major Engineering changes for the upcoming Patch 3.2. These changes are a long time coming for those of the Engineering profession, and many folks will be quite pleased by them. There are 19 total changes that Zarhym announced – that's quite a lot for any patch.

Some of the ones that stand out include:

* Mind Amplification Dish – Head enchant, allows engineers to control other humans. Does not work in Arenas, sometimes reverses targets.
* Portable Wormhole Generator for Northrend – Allows the engineer to travel about Northrend Deep Space 9 style.
* Repair Bot Jeeves – A repair bot for the entire raid, who also allows bank access for 350+ engineers. Jeeves is not destroyed on use, and can be summoned once per hour. Schematic is apparently randomly hidden within another summonable bot.
* A Steam-Powered Auctioneer has been added to the Dalaran Like Clockwork engineering shop, allowing access to one's faction Auction House. The Steam-Powered Auctioneer was programmed with a superiority chip, and will only interact with Grand Master engineers.
Field Repair Bot 110G is an upgraded version of [Field Repair Bot 74A] - Engineer-created robot that can be deployed anywhere. It essentially functions as a merchant with a repair ability: it can both completely repair gear and purchase items from players. It also sells common reagents and minor Engineering components. It lasts for 10 minutes and there is a 10 minute cooldown on the robot so you can only create one at a time. Item is created with 5 charges.

It is considered to be one of the most important engineering items in the game, especially useful for repairing entire raid groups without having to leave a dungeon.
Field Repair Bot 110G is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 360.

Materials required
8x Inv ingot 10.png [Adamantite Bar]
8x Inv gizmo felironbolts.png [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
1x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore.png [Khorium Power Core]

Recipe makes 5 units/uses at a time.

Raw materials required
16x Inv ore adamantium.png [Adamantite Ore]
16x Inv ore feliron.png [Fel Iron Ore]
6x Inv ore khorium.png [Khorium Ore]
10xInv elemental mote fire01.png [Mote of Fire]
Wow engineering repair bots 2011 free download is coming.

五月 10, 2011

WoW Patch 4.0.1 Patchnotes

Der World of Warcraft Patch 4.0.1 wir diese Woche auf die Liveserver aufgespielt. Es ist mal wieder ein verdammt großer Patch der bereits viele Änderungen vorbereitend für das kommende Addon Cataclysm mit sich bringt. Neben den Patch 4.0.1 Patchnotes hier eine kurze Liste der wichtigsten Änderungen:

* Komplett überarbeitete Talentbäume für alle Klassen
* Viele Interfaceanpassungen (Charakterübersicht, Spellbook, Glyphen, ..)
* Zükünftig drei statt zwei verschiedene Arten und weitere Änderungen an den Glyphen
* Reforging: Die Werte einzelner Items nach eigenen Wünschen verändern
* Relikte, Buchbände usw. haben nun normale Stats und Sockelplätze
* Eine Art Power Auras als WoW eigenes Feature
* Felxibles Raidlock-System (kein 2x ICC mit einem Char pro ID mehr :) )
* Tausch von Marken und Ehre gegen Justice Points, Honor Points und/oder Gold
* Die neue Water Engine für schöneres/realistischeres Wasser
* Zahlreiche Anpassungen an den Klassenmechaniken (Hunter bekommen statt Mana nun Energie usw.)

Im Deteil könnt Ihr diese Änderungen auf MMO-Champion.com nachlesen, die mal wieder einen verdammt guten Job machen. Hier gibt es einen Patch 4.0.1 Talentkalkulator.
Bei den folgenden Patch 4.0.1 Patchnotes ist zu beachten, dass die ganzen Änderungen bereits auf Level 85 ausgelegt sind, es kann also in den folgenden Wochen durchaus vorkommen, dass einige Spells viel zu stark oder auch zu schwach sind. Wobei eher Letzteres der Fall sein dürfte.
WoW Patch 4.0.1 Patchnotes

World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.0.1

The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/
The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/test-realm-patchnotes.html

Cataclysm Systems Patch

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be in stores on December 7, 2010 and the time has come to prep for the official launch by implementing its first major patch. Players can experience many major game and user interface systems updates in the first official patch for the upcoming third expansion, patch 4.0.1.


* Cataclysm Launcher Update
o The new Cataclysm Launcher allows you to stream game data while you play. This will reduce the time you spend downloading, installing, and patching World of Warcraft. We’d like to get your feedback on the toolset and gameplay experience. Please head to the forums here for additional information: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=26726066731
* Reforging
o Players can now visit special Reforging NPCs in capital cities located near Enchanting trainers. 40% of any one secondary stat on an item can be can be allocated to add a new secondary stat to the item. The stat being added cannot already exist on the item. An item cannot have more than one reforged stat at a time, though the Reforging of an item can be undone and changed.

五月 09, 2011

Wow 1-85 bots for free 2011

wow Bot is working on new cataclysm zones too. Ask me, if you have troubles with download or install. 1. Go the link below. 2. Unpack Files. 3. Run install.exe and follow the instructions 4. Copy crack to rwBot folder. 5. In the pack you will find the .pdf file with short guide…
The world’s most notorious World of Wacraft exploit site! Join us now and be apart of an active, richly talented, and experienced World of Warcaft community. Here you will find:

—The hottest WoW exploits and guides.

—Experienced WoW EMU developers.

—Talented WoW model editing experts.

—Advanced WoW Bots and Programs

—Exploits from the top MMOs and so much more!
I have been playing the Cataclysm Beta for the past 5 months and got over several characters to level 85 perfecting my questing routes each time I went through it. I have a very extensive understanding of the level 80-85 zones (Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands) now and have developed a full 80-85 horde leveling guide that you can use to quickly breeze right through these zones with absolutely no confusion at all.