五月 09, 2011

Wow 1-85 bots for free 2011

wow Bot is working on new cataclysm zones too. Ask me, if you have troubles with download or install. 1. Go the link below. 2. Unpack Files. 3. Run install.exe and follow the instructions 4. Copy crack to rwBot folder. 5. In the pack you will find the .pdf file with short guide…
The world’s most notorious World of Wacraft exploit site! Join us now and be apart of an active, richly talented, and experienced World of Warcaft community. Here you will find:

—The hottest WoW exploits and guides.

—Experienced WoW EMU developers.

—Talented WoW model editing experts.

—Advanced WoW Bots and Programs

—Exploits from the top MMOs and so much more!
I have been playing the Cataclysm Beta for the past 5 months and got over several characters to level 85 perfecting my questing routes each time I went through it. I have a very extensive understanding of the level 80-85 zones (Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands) now and have developed a full 80-85 horde leveling guide that you can use to quickly breeze right through these zones with absolutely no confusion at all.

